

Traditionally, pregnancy is divided into trimesters. Each trimester brings its own unique experiences and challenges.

‍FirstTrimester: The Silent Start (Week 1-16)

D uring these weeks, your body is quietly working a miracle: It is laying the foundation for your baby's organs. It's fascinating work, but it can leave you feeling exhausted and nauseous. Many mothers keep this period a secret, but we encourage you to seek support. You don't have to go through this intense time alone.

Second Trimester: Your Period of Clarity (Week 17-28)

The nausea subsides and your energy returns. It's like the sun is finally breaking through. Many moms call this their favorite trimester - and we understand why!

Around week 16, you feel something magical: your baby moving. It is your own secret conversation, an intimate moment that will color your day with joy. The 20-week ultrasound is another milestone. Seeing your baby on the screen.... it is a moment that will fill your heart with love and wonder.

Now that your energy is back, it's the perfect time for a "babymoon. Whether it's a weekend away or just quality time at home, enjoy it. It's also a good time to think about your delivery wishes. We're ready to discuss your thoughts and questions.

Third Trimester : The Delay (Week 29-42)

Your pace slows down now, which is just as it should be. You are carrying extra weight with you-a sign of your devoted care. Each step takes more effort, but think of it as an exercise in mindfulness. You learn to slow down, to listen to your body.

After week 34, you understand why we encourage early leave. Your world gets smaller, and that's a good thing. It helps you turn inward, rest and focus on meeting your baby.

Fourth Trimester: The Soft Landing (Day 1-12 weeks postpartum)

The fourth trimester is your soft landing into motherhood. These weeks are for bonding, recovery and reflection. You process your childbirth experience, whether it went as planned or not. And you get to know your baby - every smile, every sigh.

Your Body During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, almost every organ in your body is affected. This is not a cause for concern, but rather a sign that your body is working hard to provide you and your baby with oxygen and nutrients. It is a time full of changes.

1. Hormones in Action: Your hormones, such as progesterone and estrogen, are more active than normal. This can cause symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and skin changes. These effects are normal and help your body prepare for motherhood.

2. Healthy Growth: During pregnancy, you gain weight. This is no surprise - it's healthy and necessary for your baby's development. At our practice, we help you find the right balance so you don't gain too much or too little weight.

3. Improved Circulation: Your body produces more blood to provide your baby with what it needs. This can lead to changes such as varicose veins or different blood pressure. It is a sign that your body is adjusting to its new task.

4. Skin changes: Your skin may show pigment changes and stretch marks. This is common during pregnancy and is experienced by many mothers. They are normal signs of your body expanding.

5. Managing Energy: Your energy level can vary. Sometimes you feel tired and have less oomph for work or sports. This is your body saying, "I need rest." Your nutritional needs may also change to provide both of you with the right nutrients.

Our touch points during your pregnancy


Congratulations, you are pregnant! Contact us to schedule your first appointment and first ultrasound . Do you have any questions before your first appointment? Then the midwife can answer them for you in advance.

Have you already started taking folic acid and vitamin D? Otherwise, start this as well.

First ultrasound

If you are curious about what is happening in your belly and don't want to wait for the term ultrasound, you can get a ultrasound with us at 8 weeks.

This ultrasound is a gift from us if there is no medical reason for the ultrasound. At the 8 weeks ultrasound we look at the baby's heart, which you can now clearly see beating. It also becomes clear whether there is one baby or a multiple. Usually it is possible to make the ultrasound through the abdomen. Sometimes it is necessary to make the ultrasound vaginally. The ultrasound can be done at the earliest at 6 weeks, but is not as reliable and clear then, for that reason it is preferable to wait until week 8 with the first ultrasound.

We also have a special and free heart consultation; are you worried if baby is doing well? Then come for a short ultrasound to see the baby's heart!

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7 - 8
First appointment at the midwife's office

The first meeting with the midwife! The midwife will give you information about the practice so you know how to reach us and what our methods are.

This first appointment takes about an hour. We discuss the questionnaire you filled out beforehand. You will receive an explanation of the examinations we can perform during the pregnancy, the check-ups you will receive and information about a healthy pregnancy. You can also ask the midwife any questions you may have.

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The term ultrasound

At this ultrasound , the baby is measured from the buttocks to the head. The length measured here determines the due date!

Between week 10 and week 11, the term ultrasound is done. During this ultrasound you will see that the baby has grown tremendously in 2 weeks. You can suddenly see the baby's profile and the baby's arms and legs.

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Information NIPT, 13 and 20 weeks ultrasound

Want more information about the tests that can be done in pregnancy on the baby? We will explain them to you in detail.

Every pregnant woman is asked at intake if she would like information about tests that can be done on the unborn child, this is called prenatal screening. It is about the NIPT and the 13 and 20 weeks ultrasound. The NIPT is a blood test that provides information about babies with Down syndrome, Edwards or Patau. You can have this blood test from 11 weeks of pregnancy.

The 13 weeks ultrasound is a ultrasound that looks early in pregnancy to see if any abnormalities are visible in the baby. At the 20 weeks ultrasound this examination is repeated. The baby will be larger by then and thus the structures can also be better assessed.

You are not required to take these surveys.

Want to read more about prenatal screening. Then read on in our knowledge base on prenatal screening.

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13 weeks ultrasound

This medical ultrasound assesses whether the baby's development is progressing well.

Between weeks 12+3 and 14+3, the 13 weeks ultrasound can be performed. At the 20 weeks ultrasound this can be assessed with more reliability, but any major problems in the baby's development could be visible now.

The 13 weeks ultrasound is currently a scientific study. Read more about it on the prenatal screening page.

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Checking the heart

During this check-up you will hear the baby's heart!

The midwife will measure your blood pressure and check your belly for growth. She can also let you hear the baby's heart. Furthermore, it is a good idea to sign up for maternity care before week 16. You can also arrange child care and if you are not married, make an appointment with the municipality to arrange the recognition of the unborn foetus.

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Sex determination ultrasound

Are you curious about the sex of the baby? Starting at 16 weeks, we can take a look at this with the ultrasound !

This ultrasound you have to pay for yourself and in addition to discovering the sex is of the baby, gives beautiful pictures of your baby.

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20 weeks ultrasound

The 20 weeks ultrasound is scheduled in week 19. This medical ultrasound is designed to detect any abnormalities in the baby. So an exciting ultrasound ! 

Our ultrasound technician looks closely at the baby and will share the results with you right afterward. Read more about the contents of this ultrasound on our prenatal screening page.

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Checking in with the midwife

After the 20 weeks ultrasound you will have an appointment with the midwife. She will go over the results of the ultrasound with you again.

As with every checkup, your blood pressure will be measured and you will hear the baby's heartbeat. The midwife will also inform you about the availability of the whooping cough vaccination and breastfeeding the baby.  

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Pregnancy course

Everyone prepares for childbirth and the arrival of the baby in their own way. Attending a meeting on childbirth or breastfeeding can be of great help.

During this check-up the midwife will inform you about the possibilities and she can think along with you about what suits you. Would you like to exercise in group classes, or just a small course together with your partner? There are several possibilities.

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Child movements!

Most women feel their baby move for the first time between weeks 20 and 24. This may be very clear one day, but a little less so another day. By 27 weeks, your baby is heavy and strong enough to report clearly every day!

During your check-up with the midwife, by feeling your belly, she may also be able to tell what position the baby is in! This will vary from day to day during the coming weeks because the baby still has enough room to move. By feeling your belly we can assess not only the position of the baby, but also whether your baby is growing well. Is there any doubt about this? Then a growth ultrasound will be scheduled.

After week 27, do you suddenly feel the baby moving much less than you are used to? If so, contact your midwife.

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Information about childbirth

You will see your midwife more often now. This is important because we want to monitor your blood pressure and the baby's growth.

You will also be increasingly concerned with childbirth and the postpartum period. We are happy to answer all your questions, as well as help you with information about childbirth or forming a birth plan.  

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If necessary, the growth ultrasound

Not everyone gets a growth ultrasound in pregnancy. There are a number of indications when this growth ultrasound may be performed; the main reason is when the obstetrician has doubts about the baby's growth.

During the growth ultrasound, the baby's head, abdomen and thigh are measured. This gives and estimate about the baby's current weight. If during the check-up the midwife feels a normal growth of your belly, this is a very reliable method to estimate the weight and a ultrasound is not necessary.

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Birth plan

Childbirth is really getting closer now! You may have to work a few more weeks and then maternity leave starts. Some women have already prepared a birth plan; others still need to delve deeper.

During your check-up at 33 weeks, we will take extensive time to inform you about the birthing process. Have you written a birth plan or do you need help with this? Then bring it with you to the appointment.

Are you not ready yet but would like to make a birth plan? Then we will discuss it with you at your next checkup.

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Baby's location

Most babies lie with their head down in week 35. We check this with the ultrasound to be absolutely sure.

During this checkup, the midwife re-examines whether the baby is growing well in your belly and tells you the baby's position.

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As of now, labor may begin

From week 37, your baby is ready to be born. However, most babies are still a little while away.

The midwife has previously discussed with you when you should call us. Have your contractions started or are your membranes breaking first? And preparations for the baby's arrival will also be almost complete at home. A bag of things to take with you when you are in the hospital is ready.

You will now come for check-ups with us every week. We carefully monitor your blood pressure and baby's growth.

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The last bit

Many women now begin to find the belly heavier. The countdown has begun.

This checkup is also to check your blood pressure and the growth of the baby. Do you perhaps have any questions in preparation for labor or postpartum?

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Checking in with the midwife

The closer to 40 weeks, the more likely labor will start.

Most deliveries we see a few days after the due date rather than before.

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The due date

About 4% of children are born on the due date. The rest come a little earlier or a little later. Still, you probably live very much towards this day!

Maybe you are already experiencing pre contractions or losing the mucus plug. Labor can give different omens, only when contractions come every 5 minutes you can be reasonably sure that labor will continue.

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1 week later

85% of women gave birth at week 41. That means there are still many children in the belly at week 41.

If the mother and child are doing well, there is no reason to intervene. However, you will be offered additional checkups to further monitor the condition of mother and baby in the last days of pregnancy. For example, you will be offered a ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid and we will check the mother every other day. If you want, we can try to strip the membranes from the uterine wall.

Don't want to wait any longer for the contractions to start spontaneously? From week 41 you will have the option to choose to induce labor. This will be done in cooperation with the gynecologist.

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The midwife will call you when the contractions have started and you could use her support. We are there for you and carefully monitor the condition of mother and baby.

Throughout childbirth, we will be nearby from the moment you desire. We will accompany you to the hospital. Should care from the gynecologist also be required, we provide a complete and clear transfer of care, which includes discussion of your birth plan.

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The postpartum has begun

The first days with your baby at home! That takes some getting used to. There are often questions, concerns and queries about your physical recovery. The midwife will visit your home to discuss these.

After giving birth, you get very little chance to really rest. The baby also has to get very used to the new situation; it is cold, there is light and noise, and feeding no longer comes naturally. Fortunately, the maternity nurse is also there to help you take care of the baby. She teaches you the right temperature of the baby, how to feed and change the baby. She also checks on the maternity nurse. The midwife will go over any questions you still have with you. Tips for a little more sleep and help with breastfeeding. You are not alone these days.

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The heel prick

We perform the heel prick at the baby's home.

The heel prick is a blood test from the baby's foot. If you want to read more about that, check out our knowledge center. Around this time, the maternity tears may also start. Changing hormones, the love for your baby and your new family situation, your physical recovery. A lot is happening these days. You may just let the tears flow. Adequate rest and someone to cry your heart out to will help.

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The baby is growing

The first few days after birth your baby will lose some weight, but by the end of the first week most babies are growing again. 2 weeks after birth, babies are back above birth weight.

This is because breastfeeding needs to get going. Latching the baby every 2-3 hours will get the production of breast milk going. A little bit at first, but you will start to get congestion within a few days, your breasts will grow and the milk will start flowing. This is also when the baby will start growing again.

Are you going to bottle feed? Even then it is important to start with small amounts of milk, the first bottles contain no more than 10cc. The baby's stomach is small and needs to grow slowly. The maternity nurse will also advise you on this.

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The last maternity visit

The baby is one week old. The midwife visits for the last time.

She will discuss what you can expect from the next few weeks and when you can call us. Care is turned over to the family doctor and the consultation office.

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The follow-up check

This is the last appointment at the practice.

We would like to see you one last time to hear how you are doing. We are checking on your physical recovery and would love to hear how you experienced our care.

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ultrasound's during your pregnancy

Blood loss?

Sometimes a small or larger amount of vaginal bleeding may occur early in pregnancy. Sometimes this is harmless, sometimes it is a sign that the pregnancy is not going well.

In consultation with the obstetrician, an early ultrasound may be made. This ultrasound is done vaginally because the fetus is small and not yet visible through the abdomen. This ultrasound can give you information if the foetus is inside the uterus and not outside. It also becomes clear if the baby's heart is beating. If you look earlier than 6 weeks, you will not see the baby's heart beating yet.

Want to know more about blood loss in pregnancy? Then read more in our knowledge center.

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Seeing the baby for the first time

Anyone may come by our office for an 8 week ultrasound! The baby is still smaller than 2 cm at this term!

The baby does not yet look like a human and is still curled up. With this ultrasound you can see the baby's heart beating, we measure the baby and we can see if it is 1 or 2 babies. With the measurement, we estimate the due date. You will receive your first picture of the baby after this ultrasound.

It may happen that your uterus is still deep in the pelvis. Then it may be necessary to perform the ultrasound vaginally. Usually this ultrasound succeeds through the abdomen.

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Heart consultation

Are you curious if the baby is growing well? For this we have the heart consultation.  

Sometimes there is a reason you are worried. Sometimes you find it so special what is happening in your belly that you just want to take a look at how the baby has grown. For you we have the heart consultation. You make an appointment for a short ultrasound where we measure the baby again and show you the heart.

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The term ultrasound

Between weeks 10 and 11, the term ultrasound is done. The baby is then larger than 3 cm.

The baby is much easier to recognize; you can see the profile of the face and the arms and legs are clearly visible. We can now clearly see the baby's head and buttocks, which allows us to reliably measure the baby. Based on this measurement, the due date is determined. In addition to the due date, you will of course receive beautiful pictures of the baby.

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13 weeks ultrasound

This ultrasound falls under prenatal screening. This ultrasound is done if you choose this ultrasound, after you have had the informational interview about it. The baby is about 7 cm, this is the last time the baby is measured from buttocks to head.

With this ultrasound we check early in pregnancy to see if the baby is developing properly. This ultrasound looks at whether the baby's development is going well. You can only do this ultrasound if you participate in the scientific study of the 13 weeks ultrasound. Read more about the ultrasound and the study here.

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Sex determination

Are you curious if you are expecting a boy or girl? At 16 weeks, we can tell.

The sex determination is an optional ultrasound and this means you have to pay for it yourself. You will receive beautiful pictures of the examination!

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20 weeks ultrasound

The 20 weeks ultrasound also falls under prenatal screening. The baby weighs about 250-300 grams. The ultrasound is done between weeks 19 and 20.

This ultrasound is performed only if you have indicated that you want it. The 20 weeks ultrasound looks at whether all of the baby's structures look normal. Not everything can be fully assessed, but the baby is larger than at 13 weeks, making this ultrasound more reliable. The baby will be measured during the exam, you will start to see at this point that all babies have their own growth curve and so may be larger or smaller than average. Read more about the 20 weeks here ultrasound.

The ultrasound technician can tell you the sex of the baby if you want to know. This is easily visible at 20 weeks.

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3D/4D ultrasound

Would you like to admire your baby in even more detail? From 27 to 30 weeks you can come to us for a beautiful ultrasound ultrasound! On this you can see live how your baby moves and plays in your belly.

Where a ultrasound ultrasound makes a side view, a 3D ultrasound gives an image that allows you to see the face, for example. We can make a movie of this which then makes it 4D. This ultrasound is by request and is not reimbursed by insurance companies.

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Growth ultrasound

During the 2nd half of the pregnancy, the midwife may request a growth ultrasound when she has doubts about the growth of the belly. Sometimes the growth ultrasound is used preventively, then it is usually done around 30 weeks.

A growth ultrasound involves measuring the circumference of the head, the circumference of the abdomen and the length of the thigh. These measurements are reviewed individually, but are also put into a formula. From this formula comes an estimated weight of the baby at this time. The ultrasound is also used to assess the baby's position, the amount of amniotic fluid and the position of the placenta.

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Placental location

This ultrasound is only performed, if a low position of the placenta was seen during the 20 weeks ultrasound . Was this not the case? Then this ultrasound is not made.

At 20 weeks, the placenta is relatively large, for a still small space in the uterus. You may then find that the placenta still lies a bit over the cervix. At 20 weeks, this is harmless, but the placenta can no longer lie here when you go into labor. Due to the growth of the uterus, the placenta almost always rises along with it. At 32 weeks, we use the vaginal ultrasound to see if the placenta has grown along enough and is no longer lying across the cervix. The exit is then free for the baby to pass through with birth.

The reverse is not possible: if the placenta is not over the cervix at 20 weeks, it cannot suddenly be over the cervix later in pregnancy. For this reason, the majority of women do not need to have this ultrasound .

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Locational ultrasound

Not everyone has an indication for a growth ultrasound after the 20 weeks ultrasound . To make sure the baby's head is down, we make a ultrasound to check this.

This is done at the obstetric consultation hour. If the baby is still breech at this check-up, the midwife will inform you about the possibilities of trying to turn the baby. This can be tried by the gynecologist, but sometimes acupuncture works as well.

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Amniotic fluid monitoring

Have you not yet given birth? Then during this ultrasound we measure the baby's growth again and we measure if there is enough amniotic fluid around the baby.

The amount of amniotic fluid decreases slightly at the end of pregnancy. The baby needs this amniotic fluid to move. It gives us an indication that the placenta is still functioning properly.

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What types of pretecho are there?

Sex determination

ultrasound ultrasound

ultrasound ultrasound

Listening to your body

We encourage you to listen carefully to your body. Are you tired? Then take extra rest - your body is doing a great job! Choose healthy, nutritious meals that support you and your baby. And keep moving in a way that's comfortable, whether that's a walk or pregnancy yoga.

In our practice, we see pregnancy as more than just a physical experience. It is a time when your body, mind and emotions work together. We offer not only medical care, but also emotional and psychological support. Whether you have questions about your changing body or just need a listening ear, we are here for you.

Your body is miraculously adapting to support a new life. It is important to accept these changes, listen to them and take care of yourself. With our personalized guidance, we strive to make your pregnancy not only a healthy, but also a truly positive experience.

We are here to support you through every change, every question and every milestone. Together, we'll make sure you can live this special time with confidence and joy. You're doing a great job, mom!

"Having the chance to experience the simplicity of nature with the help of the midwives was a life changing experience. "
"This is the place to be for fine and very professional guidance during this special period of your life!"
"The very best practice in Rotterdam and surroundings! This is the place to be for fine and very professional guidance."
"They are all very knowledgeable, accommodating understanding with a healthy dose of humor!"

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